Project co-financed by the European Union ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) Program POR FESR LIGURIA 2014-2020
Investments in favor of regional economic growth and employment

AXIS 3 “SME’s Competitiveness” – Action 3.1.1 “Digititalization of micro, small and medium-sized companies”
Eurocontrol S.p.A., a company with sole shareholder, participates in the supply chain of top-level national companies for the Defence sector.
The investment aims to increase the smart work practice within the company to:
- allow the continuity of operations during the covid19 pandemic and in any situation in which it is necessary technical resources and other professional profiles work remotely
- guarantee social distancing at the company’s work place by adopting a broader smart work programming when necessary;
- improve the efficiency and productivity of personnel and therefore increase the competitiveness of the company
- update and enhance the company hardware and software infrastructure, as well as speed the company’s digitization architecture building process.
The intervention covered 20% of the implementation of the new mobile workstations and the subsequent phases of the new digitization project are being studied.
Scarica il poster con i dettagli dell’intervento (only in Italian)
Progetto cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea – POR FESR (Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale) LIGURIA 2014-2020
Investimenti a favore della crescita e dell’occupazione
ASSE 3 “Competitività delle imprese” Azione 3.1.1 Digitalizzazione delle micro, piccole e medie imprese
- Beneficiario: Eurocontrol S.p.A., società a socio unico
- Anno: 2020
- Importo complessivo speso: € 11.554,88
- Cofinanziamento concesso: € 5.000 €